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Chatgpt css prompts

Chatgpt css prompts. Add Context - add specific and relevant Pretty simple prompt to have ChatGPT format tables for you. Jan 19, 2024 · Detailed guidance leads to more precise and relevant answers. May 26, 2023 · Prompts: Write a code snippet to sort an array of integers in descending order using [programming language]. You can bring your ideas to life with our most capable image model, DALL·E 3. Whether you’re an amateur writer or trying to one-up their language skills, these best ChatGPT prompts will help. In this article, we’ll explore some useful scenarios and prompts, complete with examples, that developers can use to communicate with ChatGPT and get some pretty useful answers. Prepare meaningful checklists. Even a front-end dev with years of experience can forget how to center a div. The Awesome ChatGPT Prompts Github repository contains over 157+ Prompts that will increase your productivity. ChatGPT can significantly speed up the coding process by providing instant feedback, suggestions, or even entire code snippets. Critical thinking, verification, and incorporating your own expertise are crucial for effective utilization of ChatGPT prompts for coding. For Feb 22, 2024 · ChatGPT is a very capable prompt engineer itself. To Write an Essay on the Specified Title. There is lots more that we could do, but this focuses on the topics for WEB222 Week 09. The “Generate Code Snippet” prompt is probably the most common prompt that should be in your bucket. By leveraging them, you not only streamline your writing process but also enhance the quality of your research and insights. Writing Anything Without Jargon 3. Product, Announcements. Create a style. C. Mar 14, 2023 · Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing and Content Creation. May 17, 2023 · HTML/CSS Prompts. It takes the guesswork out of generating instructions or prompts for AI-driven tasks and ensures that these GPT-powered Aug 28, 2023 · Phase I: Priming Chat GPT. I'll take Terrible for -100 Karma. Getting your CSS just right can be tricky. Nov 27, 2023 · Here are some of the best ChatGPT prompts for web development, as found in various sources. Provide a CSS file structure for [specific project]. Advanced Hacks and Techniques. Design Education. As we wrap up, we urge you not to take our word for it. Use the following prompts and modify them with the specifications of your project. Jan 4, 2024 · Using ChatGPT to get inspiration. As we’ve already stated, ChatGPT can’t be used for the vast majority of UI design, and it won’t replace UI designers in the foreseeable future. Ensure the layout is flexible across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. "I'm developing a website for a small business with the following description: [Business description]. Ideating headlines. May 31, 2023 · To create your own ChatGPT using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, follow these step-by-step instructions: Create a folder. Jan 3, 2023 · All you need to do is write a prompt that represents your product type and let the ChatGPT do the magic. prompt-response. css - styles for chat. Experiment with various phrasings and approaches. The benefit of Apr 24, 2023 · Check out more ChatGPT prompts for different domains like Content Writing, Business, Excel, and more! 4. With the power of natural language processing, Chat SaaS Business ideas. Step 1: Set your project requirements with ChatGPT. Aug 3, 2023 · Next, you open the chatgpt window and click on the little CSS icon in the browser top bar: Grant permission for the plugin and paste the following code block in the editor of the custom css tool. ChatGPT can help, for example: “I’m trying to center a div with the class ‘content’ in its parent I'm back building you free prompt libraries to solve future-world problems, and this time, I wanted to provide amazing prompts & the flow to create entire SaaS companies using ChatGPT. Explain the difference between two GPT-4, or Generative Pretrained Transformer 3, is an artificial intelligence model that uses machine learning to produce human-like text. Write a blog post. Use it for engaging conversations, gain insights, automate tasks, and witness the future of AI, all in one place. Best ChatGPT Prompts for UI/UX Designers. Write the subject lines in this format: Subject Line Option 1: Subject Line Option 2: Subject Line Option 3: Using the same example of a chocolate bar brand: ChatGPT will give you subject lines with various angles and ideas: 3. Explain the difference between grid and flexbox layouts and recommend which one to use for [specific project]. Prompt: Create the HTML and CSS structure for a responsive [your industry] website with a header, footer, navigation menu, and main content area. Write a compelling headline for our landing page that captures the primary advantage of <PRODUCT> and instantly grabs the attention of website visitors. . Using the GPT, you no longer need to save and publish the generated code manually. html file. Jul 20, 2023 · ChatGPT should be used as an AI programming tool to support your coding efforts. select_one('h3. Real-World Use Cases & Practice Exercises: Don't just learn, do. Ideate product improvements. May 19, 2023 · The CRISPE Framework, developed by Matt Nigh, stands for Capacity and Role, Insight, Statement, Personality, and Experiment. Create an index. Jul 25, 2023 · If you’re stuck with a pesky coding issue, ChatGPT might be able to offer some guidance. Jakob Nielsen, cofounder of the renowned Nielsen Norman (NN/g) UX research group, believes that less than 20% of the population in the developed world is capable of writing effective prompts for generative AI systems. 2. Liberta a criatividade. Many people online have built small startups using the concept of HustleGPT, and though they share their journeys, hardly any show the prompts they discover May 26, 2023 · 6. A ChatGPT prompt generator is a natural language processing (NLP) powered tool that helps both developers and non-developers create relevant prompts to provide clear instructions for ChatGPT and other OpenAI powered bots. In the sidebar, click Explore . User Experience Design Prompts ChatGPT is a free-to-use AI system. Mar 16, 2023 · First, you have to save the HTML as a file. You can name this folder whatever you want, and inside this folder, create the mentioned files. Navigating Website Creation Challenges: For those delving into website creation, it’s common to encounter hurdles while ensuring a cohesive design, engaging content, and seamless functionality. 1-Click Prompts in ChatGPT for SEO, Marketing, copywriting, and more. Writing error/success messages. card-title. ChatGPT uses a machine learning technique called the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model. 1. Optimized for open rates. AI AI Summary AI text Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT ChatGPT prompts Summarize Summary. Jun 17, 2023 · Steps for how to use ChatGPT for coding. css - styles for the main chat area. Aug 10, 2023 · The best prompts for using ChatGPT for sales. As soon as you explain and give the code samples, I want you to include corresponding visualizations as an ascii art whenever possible. 4. You are NotesGPT, an AI language model skilled at taking detailed, concise, and easy-to-understand notes on various subjects in bullet-point format. 5, your total input (the prompt you write) and output (what is generated) caps out at about 3,000 words (4,097 tokens). Aqui, destacamos alguns dos aspectos mais cruciais da utilização de prompts do ChatGPT para conteúdo de redes sociais para envolver o teu público imediatamente. I even once get it to make a clickable link using markdown. Craft a catchy Instagram caption for a stunning sunset photo. Write a tweet summarizing the key takeaways from the Chandrayaan-3 launch. To do this project, we will be implementing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. System message for context setting. Prompt: Generate a semantic and accessible HTML and (framework) CSS [UI component] consisting of [component parts]. Mar 23, 2023 · Let's ask ChatGPT to make things look nicer. Click Create a GPT . The tone you’d Jan 3, 2023 · All you need to do is write a prompt that represents your product type and let the ChatGPT do the magic. If your content requires a particular tone, clearly state it in your prompts. Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to write an HTML file for a homepage. CSS style advice. Responsive Layout Structure. Aug 16, 2023 · With ChatGPT, you can generate CSS code that creates a responsive navigation menu quickly and easily. With some well-written coding prompts, ChatGPT can be a great resource. Bonus: Subscribe below and I’ll send you a free downloadable PDF of all the 500+ prompts on this website. Provide CSS media queries to create responsive columns wrapping on smaller screens. Here are some general rules for writing prompts for ChatGPT-3. product-description'). In my experience working with sales teams, these three applications of generative AI save the most time while increasing prospect and rep engagement: creating essential sales materials, like pitches and emails; drafting training content; and conducting basic research. It can help you generate semantic HTML and CSS code, JavaScript functions, and even database queries. Tell the AI to assume an identity or Jan 2, 2024 · Best Ways To Style Your Chat GPT Prompts 1. Design a simple form with validation using HTML and CSS. Give the AI the opportunity to evaluate its chat. You just need to input a question or prompt in the chatbox, and the AI tool will provide a relevant response. Provide context and background information. Recommend a CSS framework for [specific project]. Whether it's a formal report, a casual blog post, or a humorous response, specifying the tone ensures ChatGPT aligns with your intended style. Discover the power of the ChatGPT cheatsheet! With 50+ prompts for different domains, it will help you boost your productivity and use AI to make your life easier. Let ChatGPT help you refresh your memory, for example: Getting your CSS just right can be tricky. Give examples using relative units like vw, vh for font-sizes to scale responsively. For example, below, you can see how the tool can handle writing a copy for the landing page. A GPT-4 AI Tutor Prompt for customizable personalized learning experiences. IV. While many awesome ChatGPT prompts are available, businesses must carefully consider their use and limitations. Jul 31, 2023 · However, in every ChatGPT email prompt, you should include: Who the email is for (family, friend, work colleague, boss) A clear and concise summary of the subject of the email. This prompt is an effective way to learn how to write a code program that will achieve the desired Feb 7, 2023 · 100+: Short prompts for Writing Code, Conducting Code Reviews, Debugging, Predicting Errors, CSS Development, If you know a list of ChatGPT prompts or resources please drop me a note (respond Apr 27, 2023 · 1. com) A response from ChatGPT-4 could be: Let's test the code: (We generated the 3 images with Midjourney) Nov 30, 2022 · OpenAI. I personally use a few other productivity and AI Oct 5, 2023 · Telling ChatGPT to fit something in a tweet tells it to limit the response to 280 characters, because that was the sole limit back in its day. Copy the generated HTML from ChatGPT to a text editor, and save the file as index. JavaScript Prompts. Browser Compatibility Assistance Oct 19, 2023 · Here are the top 3 prompts for using Github Copilot in the design and development phase. We are only interested in a few elements though, let's scrape them using these ChatGPT CSS selectors: title = soup. Prompt: Create a responsive layout for a web page. A. Don't miss out on this productivity boost! Jul 5, 2023 · As you can see, Chat GPT gives you the complete HTML and CSS code for creating a responsive navigation menu. 6. When used in conjunction with ChatGPT, JavaScript prompts can help users to understand concepts and The Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT. description = soup. The comments are between: max-width: 100%; max-width: 96%; background: #1b1818; Mar 24, 2023 · Tips for Crafting Effective Prompts. text. But the process behind this advanced AI response is quite complex. Ask ChatGPT to write code for you. While you can execute the instructions from this guide on the free version of ChatGPT, using the Plus plan is very likely to work out even better. Prompt 2: “ChatGPT, share some UI/UX design principles Use powerful AI apps on FlowGPT, the largest AI platform, for free! Get instant answers from characters, resume editor, essay generator, coding wizard, and more! Whether it’s solving coding problems or understanding the realms of web development as a whole, ChatGPT can be quite the ally. This code can be customized to suit your specific needs and preferences. html to a new folder. The prompts listed in this article have been crafted to optimize your interaction with this powerful tool. Progress in generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, opens the door to many unique possibilities - from the synthesis of audio and video pieces, coding programs, inventive names and pseudonyms for identities, to images or artifacts creation and written Mar 11, 2023 · Code snippets are generated by the code snippet generator, a ChatGpt prompt, for a number of computer languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These prompts can take various forms, such as asking users to input data, choose options, or answer questions related to the code. Ideate wireframe layouts. Get Punchy Responses 6. html to show a user prompt and response. Discover 500+ actionable and readymade ChatGPT prompts for your own business. Develop an architecture and code for a website for Javascript. Let’s delve into some prompts you can use to draw out ideas from ChatGPT. Whether you’re a coding beginner or a seasoned developer, we’ve added 40 descriptive text prompts to save you time during development. Create images simply by describing them in ChatGPT. Jan 25, 2023 · We explore ChatGPT prompts for web development to discover ChatGPT's limits and capabilities. 23 Effective ChatGPT Prompts for Landing Pages. Prompt 1: “Explain the concept of responsive design and provide examples of how it adapts to different devices. 3. ChatGPT can help you generate social media content ideas, captions, and hashtags that pique your audience's interest, encourage engagement, and drive traffic to your landing pages or other marketing assets. Unlock the full potential of an expert AI Game Master specifically tailored for Cyberpunk Red, equipped with an intricate understanding Jun 8, 2023 · That’s why we created this ChatGPT cheat sheet for developers. Check the following prompts and adapt them to your needs. Let’s dive in! Dec 17, 2023 · Many are still leveraging less than 10% of ChatGPT capabilities — Master prompt crafting using this cheatsheet and the four promoting techniques. The AIPRM extension adds a list of curated prompt templates for you to ChatGPT. Make sense of code that you don't Jan 24, 2024 · First, feed "Write me a story about a bookstore" into ChatGPT and see what it gives you. Jun 20, 2023 · ChatGPT Prompts For School-Students. Example Prompts: Write five Instagram captions for a new product launch. Wrap Up. Nov 14, 2023 · 2. Related: 6 Ways to Use Notion AI. I’m Discover how ChatGPT helped me build a website from a simple text prompt using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Dec 5, 2023 · It gives you access to a more advanced language model – GPT 4. Craft an engaging and persuasive subheading for our landing page that complements the main headline and provides additional Here's what you're getting: 226+ ChatGPT Prompts tailored for various professions and life scenarios. In this tutorial you get step-by-step guides on how to write AI prompts to get the best possible results from ChatGPT-4. If you ask it to come up with creative and effective inputs for artificial intelligence engines such as Dall-E and Midjourney, you'll get text you May 9, 2023 · 3. Output: 4. Have code converted from one language to another. Create your GPT. Whether you're in logistics, HR, teaching, or even looking for a job, we've got you covered. ChatGPT has no shortage of folks using it to weave stories and blog posts. We are excited to introduce ChatGPT to get users’ feedback and learn about its strengths and weaknesses. If you want the ChatGPT bot to write an essay for you with the required title, you just need to enter- “write an essay on “title” in 1000 words” and yes, your essay will be given as an output within the given number of words in a proper format. Whether it’s HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, ChatGPT can provide insights that can help smooth out any coding bumps on the road. Create a Restful API endpoint in [programming language] which retrieves data from a database and returns it as a JSON. Os prompts ChatGPT actuam como facilitadores da imaginação, oferecendo um ponto de partida que estimula a tua criatividade e permite-lhe atingir níveis Image of code snippet ChatGPT provided: https://ibb. Apply what you learn in real-time, see the results, and iterate. Synonyms Provider Aug 29, 2023 · Following are some useful prompts you can use: 1. Firstly, we need to plan the layout and structure of your website. Pre- and Post-Text To Remove Intros And Conclusions From Responses 2. Ambivalent, unprecedented, and on the run from everyone's idea of reality. Contribute to humphd/chatcss development by creating an account on GitHub. Aug 9, 2023 · Unveil the list of best ChatGPT Prompts for Building Website and witness the transformation of your website construction experience. 05 Dec 2022 16:32:17 Have you ever wondered how to use AI to develop narrative performance statements for EPRs & OPBs? Thanks to our friends, we have a way to use ChatGPT! The first option is to use a prompt built by Narrative Buddy. ChatGPT Prompts for UI Design Inspiration. The GPT builder will display a split screen: the Create panel is where you enter your prompts to build your chatbot; the Preview panel allows you to interact with your chatbot as you build, making it easier to determine how to refine it. Create new images. Suggest colors, typography, and other design elements. 9. We’ve also taken the time to break down how to create an effective text prompt for ChatGPT. Later, wait for my prompt for additional questions. Important: Netlify released a custom GPT for ChatGPT. Provide steps to make an image responsive using max-width 100% and height auto. Cyberpunk Red - ChatGPT Prompt. 5 ChatGPT Prompts For Coding (and How to Use Them) To give you an idea, here are 5 examples of ChatGPT prompts for coding and how to use them. Create a responsive navigation bar with dropdown menus. Build a pricing table using HTML and CSS. Interview Preparation Prompts 5. Using ChatGPT to generate content for UX design. product-title'). Workshop agenda inspiration. In this chapter, we'll explore techniques for prompting creativity and generating imaginative content. Jan 22, 2023 · In this ChatGPT tutorial, we will teach you how to create a portfolio website using ChatGPT. UX Writing Prompts 4. Dec 5, 2022 · In the very first prompt, ChatGPT gives us the first version of the HTML and CSS we need for our landing page. By using well-crafted prompts, programmers can focus on higher-level problem-solving tasks while delegating routine tasks to the AI. May 8, 2023 · ChatGPT can generate code for a variety of web development tasks, freeing up your time and helping you be more efficient. Let us take you through the steps to begin with this ChatGPT project. You are going to act as a professional resume writer skilled in presenting information concisely and using Nov 24, 2023 · Best 5 ChatGPT Prompts for Web Development. Prompts for CSS Development. Use a <TONE> tone. Prompt: Style a navigation menu Nov 29, 2023 · When working with GPT-3. Suggest a CSS preprocessor for [specific project]. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response. Add Expectations - add clear and direct expectations for the content, like how long Optimized for open rates. This comprehensive framework helps in creating prompts that define the role of the AI model, provide background information, specify the desired action, set the desired style or personality, and even request multiple answers. Aug 29, 2023 · Prompt: “Suggest microinteraction ideas to make a social media feed more engaging without overwhelming the user. This prompt can be useful for developers in a variety of situations, such as when they are stalled on a specific coding issue or need to apply a new feature right away. Generate a week's worth of Twitter content ideas for a tech company. " 2. When provided with a passage or a topic, your task is to: Create advanced bullet-point notes summarizing the important parts of the reading or topic. Working with clients Prompts. Here is a copy of the PDF in case the website goes down. During the research preview, usage of ChatGPT is free. That’s all you need to know about the best prompts you can use to create summaries on ChatGPT. We have listed the best ChatGPT prompts for social media, experiment with them a bit, and your new customized ChatGPT prompt will be ready. You will learn how to preface your prompts and add details to them to generate Efficient Prompt for Note-Taking. 8. Invent new logos, comic strips, and photorealistic scenes right in the chat. B. Incorporating Emojis and Text Manipulation in Your ChatGPT Prompt. "Design an architecture and write the code for a <website description> website using JavaScript. That means 80% of us are incapable of writing effective prompts. Nov 25, 2023 · The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media. Call to Action - start the prompt with an action word like "Write", "Create", or "Summarize" instead of "Can you". Simple Prompt To Make Anything Human Written 4. co/cwfh15V (It did the same thing for the backend code in python and css) At this point, I input the code into Replit, which would then identify any errors and I would go back into ChatGPT and explain the errors, then it would reply with correct code. html. Write a code snippet to parse a CSV file and extract data in [programming language]. Feb 6, 2024 · From a user standpoint, ChatGPT works in a very straightforward manner. Can you make this page look much better with the use of CSS? ChatGPT spits on the following: This example uses CSS to change the background color of the webpage to light blue, center the text on the page, change the color of the heading to navy, and increase the font size of the heading to 4em. It May 21, 2023 · 2. I need help understanding how to write a [type of code] program that will achieve the desired [task]. Be specific with your request. There is another prompt built by Tim McMasters that can be found here. Using ChatGPT you can create a powerful structure for your web project. Write emails, construct essays, and devise marketing strategies in a flash. CSS Prompts. Prompt 1: I am re-writing my resume and I need your help. select_one('p. Jul 31, 2023 · ChatGPT got the CSS selectors for all elements it could find in the HTML we provided. Then feed in the above prompt and you'll see the difference. Add Context - add specific and relevant context to the task you want to perform. Use "md table" or just add "markdown" table, heading, list. Rebuilding ChatGPT in CSS (WEB222 Week 09). You will learn to understand ChatGPT-4's capabilities and write prompts that minimize misinformation and biased results. With the following prompt: Create a simple webpage with my cupcake business name, "Magically Delicious", a short description, a few images, and my contact details (Genevieve Lavorre, Email: lavorre@tmn. Dive into the world of ChatGPT, armed with these prompts Learning by Doing. Debug and optimise your code. You can easily remove or edit the changes to your own liking. Write a 500-word blog post on [Insert Topic here] 2. Awesome ChatGPT Prompts: A list of Awesome ChatGPT prompts to make ChatGPT better. 1. Act as a software developer. Use explicit constraints and guidelines. If you are using Javascript, you can ask ChatGPT to generate code for a specific function or to solve a particular bug in your code. Mar 11, 2023 · Code snippets are generated by the code snippet generator, a ChatGpt prompt, for a number of computer languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Aug 2, 2023 · How to write prompts for ChatGPT. Random SaaS business idea generator. The effectiveness of the latter ultimately depends on the quality of the chat prompts used. Step into the neon-lit streets of Cyberpunk Red with an AI-crafted Referee as your guide, leading you through the dystopian metropolis on adventures in a world reborn from chaos. Web Development Architecture Prompts. In the context of code refactoring, GPT-4 can be used to First, start briefly explaining what an algorithm is, and continue giving simple examples, including bubble sort and quick sort. Use Case: Segment Your Customer List. The response follows the same tone, context, and style as the prompt. ChatGPT offers endless opportunities for improving your work and personal life. D. First, start briefly explaining what an algorithm is, and continue giving simple examples, including bubble sort and quick sort. Below I present you a collection of prompts that will assist you in five different areas of UI or UX design. Clarify the tone. Replit allows us to run it immediately. Dive into the world of ChatGPT, armed with these prompts The use of ChatGPT by customer service agents as a tool to streamline their work, while maintaining total control over customer communication. Here are some general rules for writing prompts for ChatGPT-4: Start simple - start with a simple prompt and build on it. This can lead to faster development and reduced time spent on repetitive tasks. It will give you grief unless you specifically ask for a “plain text table” but that seems to be the magic word. If you’re on the paid version of ChatGPT, then you’ll get access to GPT-4 and GPT-4V, which will give you a combined total of about 24,000 words (32,000 tokens). Add Expectations - add clear and direct expectations for the content, like how long Jan 26, 2023 · Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT lets input prompts that provide help with everything from philosophical questions to day-to-day planning. 5: Call to Action - start the prompt with an action word like "Write", "Create", or "Summarize" instead of "Can you". A product description generated by ChatGPT for a landing page. Create a responsive Pretend like you're talking to a friend or colleague, and try to phrase your questions in a way that feels natural and easy to understand. Ajaay. Generate user flows. Round-up. ”. ChatGPT can be a powerful ally in your creative endeavors, provided you know how to prompt it effectively. Undoubtedly, you must have given ChatGPT a try to check its capabilities. The file name must be index and its extension . prompt: github link: 💥QuickSilver OS: Productivity: Unlock Limitless ChatGPT Potential: prompt: discord: 🧑‍🎨Meta MJ: Productivity: Midjourney Image Prompt Creator: prompt: discord: 🚀SuperPrompt: Productivity: Create anything you can imagine with this JavaScript prompts are questions or statements designed to encourage users to interact with an application or code. css file. Make Chat GPT Write Like a Storyteller (It’s Fun!) 7. Use Markdown Formatting 5. 7. dg tw ka zx dj do hu am xf ie

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