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Prettier nvim reddit

Prettier nvim reddit. If I don't have prettier installed on the project I'm currently on, it uses prettier's default config (where i. lua (b) plugins/nvim-treesitter. I have installed the prettierd through mason and have in configured in null-ls to also include svelte files. NvChad is more of a DIY config thingy , its not a framework! It doesnt have user specific stuffs like language specific configs , the user has to add his own stuff. o. But obviously doesn't have the plugin / community support. Check it out on noib3/cokeline. Prettier is a separate program. The good side is that it probably still uses the project prettier config file Please remember to update the post flair to Need Help|Solved when you got the answer you were looking for. I was surprised that this overrides the output of prettier but it kind of makes sense to me. Speed-up your Prettier formatting using prettierd. prettier usually just formats code to look nicer, so a git hook can handle that (I don't care much about it while writing the code) There is an npm package called husky that makes client side git hooks really easy to manage and share with everyone on a project. NET team to discuss how and why I use Neovim with C# In init. thot-taliyah • 6 mo. bo. What do I need to do with this? I read the docs and I cannot find anything For json, you could just run :%!jq . Introducing mason. Featurewise, compe/cmp has more 3rd party sources/plugins. • 2 yr. prettierrc nvim will use prettier instead but still get code actions and diagnostics from eslint. So with formatting_sync the only one who actually formats will be prettier You seem completely lost. 64K subscribers in the neovim community. textwidth, '--stdin-filepath', vim. Not sure, but I think the formatting sources take a file types options which you could try. When I try to provide a relative path to the prettier executable instead of just writing prettier it does not find the formatter. ! for run external programm. mrchu001. [deleted] •. nvim is the next generation version of nvim-lsp-installer. formatting () to respect my prettier rules. Basically running vanilla LSP setup. I'm struggling to get the svelte plugin for prettier to work. If the problem is because of eslint and prettier I would suggest to just setup eslint properly. I mean neovim has evolved from the bare bones vim to the more modern editor it is now. Not sure if this syntax is correct, you might want Jan 5, 2022 · Foldmethod specific configuration. I have default prettier configuration file in my project directory (. Setup Prettier command in your init. 143 votes, 78 comments. For user customization, you can use after/ftplugin/<ft>. It's a lot more difficult to do so with an existing codebase. Some context in the learn vimscript the hard way where some context is about the folder structure. Inside setup_lsp you configure your language servers like everyone else, I mean you can use nvim-lspconfig to setup the servers. They do not conflict, they work together. Here is part of my flutter-tools config, you can have a look. • 3 yr. Any clue how to make that happen? In this case you have to configure the specific formatter you want (prettier or prettierd) in the Null-ls source’s configuration and add your desired filetypes. config/nvim/lua/ [name]/plugins/lsp/ I think you might need to switch to nvim-cmp , which is supposed to replace nvim-compe. So instead of using lspconfig, you pass the same config to require ("flutter-tools"). It uses tsserver and eslint language servers. vue files, IIRC. format() multiple times due to some config issues. I'm using null-ls with prettierd for formatting, but I've noticed that suddenly formatting Markdown doesn't work anymore (other files work fine). config/coc Features. S. For me, configuring nvim was my "introduction" into config files. If you want to use prettierd exclusively with the locally installed prettier package, you can set the environment variable PRETTIERD_LOCAL_PRETTIER_ONLY (any truthy value will do, good examples are true or 1). 5. If a plugin author is Maybe try print()ing out something right before you call vim. With prettier. Get a file or range in a file and format the text through some tool. Regardless of what you think about it (and say in your readme), your config is neither simple nor elegant. I guess you may head towards null-ls. Eventually I tracked this down to being thrown by prettier-tslint, and manually installed typescript in ~/. keymap. IMHO, LunarViM is ready to go out of the box while nvchad is going to require a lot of LSP manual configuration. But how Timesweeper_00 taught me there is a special eslint in lspconfig and I haven't compared speed null-ls. A very rich documentation, everything you need to know about doom-nvim can be found and more! You can take a look at the project source, features and more on GitHub . Having said that, if I call :! black %, it does format correctly bsed on the pyproject. lsp. 02 secs ~ 0. I keep getting lost when I research it Hey there, fellow Neovim enthusiasts! 🌟, currently setting up neovim with lsp-zero I'm relatively new to Neovim configuration, and I've been experimenting with trying to format some files using Prettier. Treesitter - nvim-treesitter for some syntax highlighting, also super helpful is nvim-ts-context-commentstring for context based commenting with comment. It has: null_ls for formatting/linting (eslint_d/prettierd) null_ls for diagnostics (eslint_d) full typescript lsp config w/nvim-lsp-ts-utils. I have not been able to have vim. . black is the same idea, but does formatting instead of reporting issues. More importantly, the scope of mason. nvim has also been widened to target more flake8 is not a language server, but can be run on code and report issues it finds. Most vim built-ins though don't handle large files well, which my plugin does. lua with the list of treesitter modules in "ensure_installed" section. nnoremap <silent> <leader>ff <cmd>lua vim. ts/js/react snippets included in autocompletion. Then it’s a simple as running the nvim command prefaced by NVIM_APPNAME=(name of your config directory from previous step): NVIM_APPNAME=lazyvim nvim. lua is the best file explorer I have used for Neovim. e with vscode it uses my ide config). . It works for me. Yes, this is the standard. But most of the times it doesn't work for me which drives me crazy. This config is meant to be used as by YOU to begin your Neovim journey; remove the things you don't use and add what you miss. I have not been able to properly configure it yet. I will give my reasons at the end. nvim : local null_ls = require ("null-ls") local group = vim. json, prettier. Fixes bad-behaving LSP formatters - Some LSP servers are lazy and simply I use dracula . Before that, let me share 2 things: Firstly, try to avoid making it a rabbit whole if you do not need to. shiftwidth = 4. You signed in with another tab or window. For formatting with prettier I truly recommend going with null-ls + prettierd. The pretty-fold. Hi, is there any way to add formatting support to . You’re so welcome, let us know if you need anything else buddy. One of them is auto fixer on save. There are a lot of very good side-panel style file explorer out there : NERDTree the venerable, Nvim-Tree written in lua, CHADTree basically NERDTree but harder faster stronger, Just to name the most well known ones. null-ls is primarily focussed on running traditional command line linters and formatters, and integrating that with Neovim’s native LSP and diagnostic subsystems. Here are just a few examples of what cokeline. One of the interesting things that happened in my post verbal offer HR call is that they read me my interviewers’ notes on my performance. Also important to know, prettier doesn’t report diagnostics (at least not by default, maybe it can be done via efm), for that you would need to setup prettier-eslint eslint config. eslint_d (since I needed prettier(_d_slim) as well and null-ls provided both - prettier and NvChad isnt for newbies and if you're new to making nvim lua config files then I will not suggest nvchad at all until you get familiar with all that lua stuff. Or check it out in the app stores vim. nvim plugin supports saparate configuration for different foldmethods . After using nvim as a code editor over the last 10 months (proviously vscode), it was an amazing decision. For this pass the configuration table for a particular foldmethod as a value to the key named after foldmethod. I see you are using nvim-formatter ( from your code here ) I used your config as a guide to setting up mine, and linting works fine with ESlint to get diagnostics into LSP, but when I try formatting nothing happens. There is eslint config plugin for prettier which eventually disables EslintFixAll and just hangs over all work to prettier. Create files, rename/move files, copy files, delete files, all as easy as normal text doom-nvim tries to be as extensible and customizable as possible because we don't all need the same development environment. 4. prettierrc. Add a mason. nvim are: endless customizability; dynamic rendering; minimal and extensible configuration; mouse support; and many others. It sort of works: The problem is it only shows class names that have been previously added, and that were there when you first opened the file. I just want some explanation around what’s going on under the hood and the best way to set it up. It does things more in the spirit of Vim, is repeatable, and way more featureful (and well tested). But it throws: Neoformat: formatter prettier failed. Vim Surround – Quoting/Parenthesizing. cmd ("filetype plugin on") (without the colon). In my organisation, people are using eslint vscode plugin for linting as well as formatting. Preserves extmarks and folds - Most formatters replace the entire buffer, which clobbers extmarks and folds, and can cause the viewport and cursor to jump unexpectedly. If you set your LSP mappings inside a LspAttach autocmd instead of an on_attach callback, they will also apply to null-ls. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. ~/. nvim. Dope, awesome work! Maybe you’re already familiar with this, but Tailwind’s language server supports custom “experimental” regex, as demonstrated here. json) I use null-ls with eslint and prettier and conditions for formatting with eslint if there are only a . nvim itself. Make your you have them installed. format(), and then see what's been output in :messages?You might be calling vim. vim or . io. eslint_d vs lspconfig. lua isn't under that umbrella, and so it isn't prettier's job to format it. Yeah, I am well aware. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I have some formatters setup using conform with the following: { 'stevearc/conform. I really love Prettier (extension) - if it works. This will make your code run after the ftplugin/<ft>. Thanks to the (amazing) community, I was able to find all the configs I needed along with recommended plugins. vim defined by default is Neovim or in plugins. That's from their repo, personally, I feel this starter config deserves a ton of praise and I didn't see it here yet. ceplma. You can also pass global configuration table for all foldmethods and tune only desired options in foldmethod As for formatting with vls, you will need to have eslint, eslint-plugin-vue and eslint-prettier installed in your vue projects, since vls is only the lsp server, it depends on separate tools to help lint and format . If there is a . Hello NeoVim community! Catppuccin was originally released here as a singular, mid-toned, pastel colorscheme. Hey folks, I am currently in a battle to get prettier-ruby, a plugin extension for the Prettier format, to just work at all in Neovim. Basically, you can (optionally) redirect part of your buffer as stdin to a shell command which writes it back into your buffer! As an example, this one way how you could format your code using prettier: :%!npx prettier --stdin-filepath %. ccls, gopls, lua etc). I have prettier installed globally on my system: /usr/local/bin/prettier. nvim, etc) and couldn't settle, all missing something or not working exactly to my liking (some do not support motions/count properly, finer control between line and block comments, etc). I would recommend eslint_d, you just install it and change your commands from eslint to eslint_d and it handles resolution of eslint binary plus it’s supper fast. black is formatting my code, just not with respect to the pyproject. Finally, the same should be done for plugins/nvim-lspconfig. tabstop = 4. ago • Edited 2 yr. It doesn't do anything useful by itself. Pretty sure this is a bug in null-ls and I was going to open an issue accordingly. I tried to set up AEL, but it didn’t work for me. nvim, LSP, Tree-Sitter, Prettier, Guess-Indent Related Topics prettier was designed for web developers; it formats html, css, js, typescript, json, etc. setup (). For minimalism, it's fantastic - replaces the inbuilt netrw but adds the ability to mash up buffers for file renames, etc. : for command mode. Plug 'neoclide/coc. For some reason VSCode was formatting with eslint and prettier, and lvim formats automatically only with eslint. what to format. Hi, I recently switched from coc. •. I am switching from VSCode to nvim and have some struggles with a workflow I’m used to. Sep 30, 2023 · Setup Mason. A very solid and easy to understand project structure. set or :help vim. format () and it is because I set this in my Neovim config: vim. Personally I love using the recently-launched dirbuf. But now I am seeing this warning: And coc prettier no longer formats on save. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython Hi, I'm using lualine with nvim and it looks like this: How can I remove the prettier/typescript info in the red box? I have it not configured; here conform. shellescape (vim. The command I'm using to [try to] run prettier is: Neoformat prettier. Learn more at neovim. It seems like you can pass lsp config through flutter-tools. I would recommend all of mason, mason-lspconfig, nvim-lspconfig. Otherwise, it will use the one bundled with the package itself. jq - the programm. Set an alias: alias lazyvim="NVIM_APPNAME=lazyvim nvim" Now you can use NeoVim with the LazyVim config by running: lazyvim. Vim has a lot of built in tool yet people still build plugins. I've tried installing Tailwind CSS autocompletion with no luck. Thanks a lot for your reply. buf. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit A Minimal Neovim Configuration for TypeScript Development featuring Lazy. 2. I found out that I passed my on-site loop for a new grad SWE role. Treesitter and LSP work fine, however i can't get prettier formatting to work on it. How to set up prettier? i tried using null-ls but it does not work, this is my configuration that i copied from prettier. Maybe add . formatFile' ) Update your coc-settings. vim. Vim-prettier is a front-end for Prettier. nvim-lsp-installer has been superseded by mason + mason-lspconfig. e1bkind. api. this means that conform cannot possibly setup its format autocommand until right before a buffer is written to, or if you run :ConformInfo . You can also use this plugin to install language servers. nvim', opts = { formatters_by_ft = { python = { "black" }, javascript = { "prettier" }, markdown = { "prettier" }, } }, }, How can I add settings using a configuration file path or arguments for the Hope it helps. 07 secs). Running lua vim. I'm pretty new to C++ (this is my first big project with it), so let me know if you have any suggestions! Also, I am mainly a Windows user, so if there are any problems/changes that should be made on other platforms, please let me know since I don't use those platforms myself daily. I installed it using npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier but I still don't understand what I'm doing wrong. For eslint diagnostics (and maybe formatting, but I'm only formatting with prettier), there's eslint LSP from nvim-lspconfig. I've switched over to the new setup configuration, so I don't think that's the issue. tslintIntegration: true set in my coc-settings. I prefer vim-sandwich for this. I've also only been using Linux for a few weeks, so as I follow instructions to install various linters at a global level, I Permanent fixed File Explorer in Neovim. Which is obviously barely useful. Am I the only one having problems with Prettier? I don't understand why it sometimes completely stops working. command! -nargs= 0 Prettier : call CocAction( 'runCommand', 'prettier. Formatting Markdown with null-ls and prettierd not working. Yeah, I found out that the problem just solved itself without me even touching the configuration. preferences. Not really click bait, well, sort of. Use the help to lookup function names you see being used, like :help vim. I was using prettier with a blade plugin shufo/prettier-plugin-blade. If this is still an issue: I finally figured out why conform. coffeecofeecoffee. It also creates two commands NullFormat and Emmet – HTML Expansion. Conform calculates minimal diffs and applies them using the built-in LSP format utilities. I'm running into exactly the same problem at the moment. nvim to the built-in LSP. Let’s now setup the Mason plugin to be able to install the linters and formatters we need. We tweak UI plugins such as telescope, nvim-tree, bufferline etc well to provide an aesthetic UI experience. vim is ~/. If you are using a slow lsp (e. stylua, diagnostics. nvim', { 'branch': 'release' } And install coc-prettier by command: CocInstall coc-prettier. ago. I'm using Neovim with NvChad as a base config. Please remember to update the post flair to Need Then run `:Copilot setup` after starting nvim It should wok. opt to look Just swapped to your plugin, absolutely amazing, I tried many different ones from oldschool tpope commentary to the new lua ones (kommentary, commented. With null-ls, you can seamlessly integrate any kind of external tool into neovim's LSP interface without needing to re-invent any scaffolding or forcing the user to learn a new interface. Given that null-ls is deprecated, I probably should be moving to a new formatter anyways and was My issue got shut down in at nvim-lsp so trying my luck here. lua, I think you can just do vim. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. Everywhere online the advice for using prettier to format on save is: coc. I’ve recently moved to neovim from VS Code and I am trying to get prettier to format my files. You signed out in another tab or window. Explanation: The % before the ! is the range, ie, which part of your buffer do you want to redirect to the Learn more at neovim. function prettier () return { exe = 'prettier', -- change this to your prettier path args = { '--config-precedence', 'prefer-file', '--print-width', vim. I already Uninstall it Quit vscode Plug 'neoclide/coc. One nice touch with LunarViM is it sets itself up to launch via the 'lvim' command instead Hey, really sorry for being a couple of days late. But I really like the idea of using nvim, but I own a m1 macbook and, honestly, in this case using nvim is just the desire to suffer =D Nvim is like the comunism, very pretty, perfect, nice, but does not work in practical life =D return 'prettier' end,}),-- formatting. Zealousideal_Role560. If you have jq installed on your system. So I just recently rewrote my config and been using the built-in LSP. '". toml. I find this strange since I specifically configured prettierd to use a default json config file ( here ) as pointed out in prettierd documentation. formatFilewould throw a message in my :CocInfo saying "cannot find module 'typescript'". vimrc. From whatI know you need to setup formatter, not lsp as prettier Is not a language. The setup I will show is a modified version of my setup (which doesn't depend on nvchad). Some time ago I decided to improve user experience for my mini. • 10 mo. all the fancy lsp stuff, like Given you linking your website and dotfiles besides your nvim config, it’s clear that this is an attempt at gathering some sort of following or collecting stars instead of providing use to the community. (also prettier is unaffiliated with treesitter, so installing the ts grammar for lua wouldn't do anything for prettier anyway. I have had this in my CocConfig for 2 years. Not sure about LazyVIm, but i have mapped that in the ftplugin for the json filetype to C-f. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. null-ls does not replace lsp-config or implement its own auto completion engine (though it can produce completion sources for integration with nvim The core idea is simple: it's a netrw replacement (directory browser, not a file tree), and you can modify the buffer at-will. % for entire buffer. I have been using prettier for a long time. toml that I have in the project root directory. It builds on top of the very same foundation as nvim-lsp-installer, but with a majority of internals refactored to improve extensibility and testability. Vim already has a built in tool. nvim: another plugin to replace null-ls formatting r/neovim • I was invited to a Live session by the . I want to use project specific prettier config files. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Checking which groups are active via :au in nvim showed that this wasn't set (unclear why). But when I try to format the file nothing happens, it works fine in the typescript, json and all the other files supported by default but not in Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. lua; and (c) nvim-lspconfig. r/neovim. When you're done, :write and it will perform whatever operations are required to make the filesystem match the new state. Here’s an example from the repo: Add new filetype to formatting source. Never had an issue. svelte prettier formating. Nothing to do with TS/ESLint/Prettier, but nvim-telescope/telescope. Helix has the advantage of being written fresh with a specific goal in mind. It actually works by default, running something like :Neoformat prettier will work, but I want to add prettier options to this, mainly the --tab-width option. nvim plugin by adding its explicit support to popular color schemes. Neovim is an hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. Reddit 😁) I noticed that everyone is quick to help, which is great! P. Usually I pick my nvim files from github and just paste in my nvim directory and i'm good to go. i am not hardcore neovim user, but hey if you tried vs-code there are some good gui stuff like color picker inside the editor (of course there is a vim plugin for that) which are great for webdev stuff, live markdown preview (mostly all guification of vim try to provide that) will make you life easy, of course you can use plugin for that which will use live-server kida thing. CosmicNvim is built specifically for TypeScript and web development. lua file under ~/. nvim_buf_get_name (0)), }, stdin = true, } end. Pretty much going down the same path as you. Despite how they said it the nvim-tree. This brings me to mason-lspconfig uses Mason to ensure installation of user specified LSP servers and will tell nvim-lspconfig what command to use to launch those servers. However, I am unable to figure out how to do formatting using eslint? Can anyone help me regarding this? Thanks Anyone know how to make prettier run faster when run on save? It takes about 2 seconds every time I write my buffer to desk for Neovim to become responsive again. The Neoformat author recommends to do this in the following way: Similarly, one should create plugins/nvim-treesitter. null-ls is a language server, and provides common abstractions to run programs like these and provide responses to Neovim using their output. fn. But I'm not sure which of the linters I've installed through npm and various (Now removed) plugins is linting it now, even when everything is disabled. Performance-wise, if your lsp server is fast, their speeds are similar (e. - basically a modernized version of vinegar for the NeoVim age. Sort by: db443. with ( {file_types = {"json"}}) to the end of your prettier source. You can do this with as many configs as you’d like. ejs files? i've already setted the option for ejs files to be recognized as html in neovim configuration. You are definitely going to need a NerdFont for your terminal of choice with any of these mods. mason. Maybe my laptop is just too slow. nvim / prettier was not formatting to 2 spaces after formatting vim. Add 'Prettier' support to ejs files from conform. I am trying to configure Neoformat to use Prettier. black, formatting. formatting_sync (nil,1200) doesn't timeout or anything it just does nothing. CtrlP – Fuzzy File, Buffer and Tag Finder. Here is my problem: I want to install prettier by its npm install command which is npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier Is there any way so i can run this code by itself when I load prettier using packer from prettier/vim-prettier? Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Not because it's my favorite, but because it's a very good dark theme and it's available for most of my other apps, including Zsh, Tmux, Alacritty, bat, Firefox, Slack, vifm, Gnome/Gtk, sway/i3. g. I use nvim-cmp for autocomplete. python) coq is much faster. I wish their own prettier sorter supported the same syntax, so I could get sorting everywhere I got language support. I've tried vim-prettier, neoformat, and null-ls for formatting all with no avail. your config specifies that conform is lazy-loaded to either bufwritepre or :conforminfo. My latest problem is, that it doesn't work at all anymore. formatting()<CR>. eslintrc or similar file in the repo. However using it from the CLI (from the terminal) works: npx prettier --write some_file. Here is a quick comparison between formatprg and formatter. • 1 yr. Prettier-Ruby and Conform. opt. For snippets, vsnip has a section on what to do to setup snippets via lsp, you can have a look at it here . I've switched to it from having it inside null-ls and I am pleased with the results. Formatting - I just use prettier with I had similar issue when I try to set up flutter-tools. eslint vs null-ls. One theme to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them. lua. I have mason and confirm installed. The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. eslint but I compared null-ls. config/nvim for neovim but the same structure. nvim can be configured to look like: Some of the features of cokeline. :h runtimepath. It (sometimes) comes back but not for a long time. formatOnSaveFiletypes. Fair point, it's pretty good. pierpooo. ) Prettier help. Many vim. nvim, nvim-lspconfig and null-ls for formatting. html. flake8} The bad side of this solution is that you need to have prettier installed globally and it will always use the one installed globally, even if you have it in your project node_module. Reply reply. If you had click those links. softtabstop = 4. NvChad is a neovim config written in lua aiming to provide a base configuration with very beautiful UI and blazing fast startuptime (around 0. If you have locally installed prettier in your package, it will use that. :NullLsLog returns the following, but I can't make 36. Reload to refresh your session. Hence, adding a new language is usually a mixture of: (a) adding it to the plugins/mason. nvim is really fu**in awesome 🤯 Finally here is my lsp-config file, where you can check out how I set up "everything" (by "stealing" from Reddit and Github): r/neovim. nvim_exec([[ let g:prettier#autoformat = 1 let g:prettier# null-ls is essentially a powerful & generalized LSP bridge that can perform formatting, code actions, completion, diagnostics and hover. However, I really don't want to use vscode just for formatting. kickstart. nvim and let me know if you like it! Yes, eslint_d via null-ls without eslint via lspconfig. Although out of the box experience should be pretty good (most coloring is done by linking to carefully selected builtin highlight groups), having them tailored to color scheme choices is certainly better. But now, after a couple of weeks of work I'm delighted to announce the release of v0. opt examples help is in :help termguicolors, so remove the vim. 0, which included variations (called flavours) of the original palette with different properties! Conform adding configuration or arguments to formatter. nvim_create_augroup ("lsp_format_on_save", { clear = false }) local event = "BufWritePre" -- or "BufWritePost" local async = event == "BufWritePost" null_ls This is my setup & it's working fine. They all do a very good job, but none really cover the use-case of a side-panel file I also have the lsps for css, html and tailwindcss (many others as well but these are good to have for React dev). json for languages that you want format on save. cq fz mv iu wq mo ly ev ab ef